Our Junior High Religious Education meets on Sunday evenings from 6p - 7:30 and is open to all of the JH youth in our parish, including those enrolled in parochial schools. Our goal at the sixth grade level is to immerse the students into scripture, not only as a historical account of man's fall and salvation, but to bring the scriptures to life and help them see their own story on the pages of the bible. At the seventh grade level, we focus on St. Pope John Paul II's Theology of the Body, teaching the students God's plan for human sexuality, chastity, respecting themselves as well as others, and how to love properly. Finally, at the eighth grade level, we focus on the Creed and the Sacraments, preparing the students to enter into the confirmation program. We have two family nights, one before Advent and one during Lent, so the students and their families can appreciate and understand the richness of our Catholic traditions and the liturgical year. We know affirmation and love are critical in the adolescent years, and at St. Jude, we build the students up through relational ministry.
Michelle Cauley, Religious Education Director, 866-5088, ext. 223.